Example One
You have the Ace of Diamonds, the Two of Diamonds and the Queen of Hearts.
Your opponent has the Three of Clubs, the Three of Diamonds, and the Jack of Diamonds.
It is your lead, which card do you play?
Your opponent takes it with his 3 of Diamonds.
Now it is his lead.
You play your Queen of Hearts. He wins because you did not follow suit.
Now we are down to the final card. What two cards remain?
The Jack of Diamonds and the 2 of Diamonds .
Which is the more powerful card, the 2 of Diamonds.
Your opponent led … are you following suit? Yes!
Who wins the last trick?
Example Two
You have the Ace of Diamonds, the Two of Diamonds and the Queen of Hearts.
Your opponent has the Three of Clubs, the Three of Diamonds, and the Jack of Diamonds.
It is your lead, which card do you play?
Now it is his lead.
Let’s Assume he plays the Jack of Diamonds.
You play your 2 of Diamonds.
You play your Queen of Hearts. Can your opponent follow suit? NO!
Who wins the last trick?
Saving a four, un quattro, for your end game is a powerful tatic. A four is the weakest card in the deck, the only time your four will win is if your opponent cannot follow suit. In this case you do not want to win the trick, you want to lose. Losing means your opponent will lead the next hand and there are times when it is beneficial for your opponent to lead as it may force him to play a card he does not want to play or it might cost him the last trick of the game. This is an advanced strategy, an awareness of what cards have been played and what cards remain to be played are a necessary compliment to this tactic.
The word for sly in Italian is furbo.
Era un giocatore di carte molto furbo!
He was a very sly card player!
Study your end game strategies and that is what they are going to be saying about you!
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